Useful Links
Georgia Student Health Survey Results
Youth Risk Behavior National Survey Results
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) Underage Drinking
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Surgeon General
Vaping Damages Your Brain
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
The Importance of Data
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National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Stop Bullying
Beyond The Bell’s Volunteer Handbook 2020
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Raising the Tobacco Age to 21
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Why Data is Important to Beyond The Bell, Inc.
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- CVS Pharmacy – 2892 Evans Mill Rd., Lithonia, GA 30038
- City of Lithonia Police Department – 6920 Main Street, Lithonia, GA 30058

National Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Every October, individuals from across the nation and around the world unite with the powerful message that bullying should never be a part of childhood (PACER, 2020). National Bullying Prevention Month is a campaign in the United States founded in 2006 by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign is held during the month of October and unites communities nationwide to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention (PACER, 2020).
Take action today!
#BullyingPreventionMonth #BeKind #TogetherAgainstBullying
For more information on Ways to Celebrate NBPM, please visit
Substance Use/Misuse
Substance abuse is the harmful pattern of using substances leading to impairment or distress. Such substances include tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription drugs. One or more of the following behaviors can occur from the use of the above substances:...
PARENTS – Taking an Active Role
Parents play a key role in their children’s lives. It is important for you to know that parents play a significant role in preventing and dealing with alcohol and drugs. Fostering healthy and responsible attitudes, talking openly and honestly, encouraging supportive...
Marijuana withdrawal is real, study shows
A new study reveals that nearly half (47 percent) of people who use marijuana regularly and/or heavily experience cannabis withdrawal syndrome when they try to quit. It is widely believed that the drug is not addictive, but this meta-analysis involving 23,500...
Impacts of Bullying
Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying often occurs repeatedly over time. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 19% of students grades 9-12 report being bullied on school property in...
The Addiction of Marijuana
As most of you already know marijuana is the most commonly used drug illegal drug in the world.It has recently become legal in a couple states. People can make the argument that marijuana does not have any negative effects, but they are wrong. Becoming addicted to...
Vaping Info
The U.S. Surgeon general declares vaping an epidemic among youth! Since 2014, vaping and e-cigarette devices are the most commonly used tobacco products among young people. According to the CDC, in 2018, approximately 3.6 million young people used an...
What is marijuana?
What is marijuana? Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis Indica plant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds.Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the...
The Definition of Alcoholism
When in relationship with an alcoholic, whether it’s a working relationship, romantic, or a family member, you will notice changes in them. Behaviors of alcoholics include how much they drink as well as their drinking patterns. This can range from binge drinking,...
How Many People Drink Alcohol?
How Many People Drink Alcohol? Alcohol consumption is more common than use of tobacco or any illicit drug, including marijuana. About a quarter of Americans try alcohol before age 18, and more than three-quarters of adults try alcohol by age 25. Current alcohol use is...
Shatter the Myths
The percentage of underage drinkers has actually decreased by one third over the last 10 years. However, there is still work to be done! Research shows that young people’s brains keep developing well into their 20s. Alcohol can alter this development, potentially...

Beyond the Bell effectively provides prevention programs, interventions and/or resources when appropriate to reduce substance use in youth.
Macon/Bibb County, Upson County, & Statewide
opens in a new window3220 Riverside Drive Suite B310
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