City of Savannah
Beyond The Bell is promoting health and safety in the City of Savannah for our youth and families. We are dedicated to reducing youth alcohol, marijuana and tobacco use in our area.Please take our Feedback Survey!
Stay up-to-date with Beyond the Bell in the City of Savannah by following us on Facebook!
2021 Lifeskills Classes
We’ve started back summer 2021 with Lifeskills classes at Urban Hope and Frank Callen Boys & Girls Club in the City of Savannah!
Savannah in Action
Botvin LifeSkills Training

Our lifeskills training is an evidence-based, six-week curriculum that covers social skills, coping skills and drug resistance skills. Topics covered include: Self Image, Decision Making, Tobacco, Marijuana and Alcohol Mythbuster, Coping with Anxiety, and Conflict Resolution.
In 2020, Beyond The Bell conducted free lifeskills training to 50 participants, most of which were done virtually.
In 2019, we conducted lifeskills training to 152 participants at over 20 locations:
- Frank Callen Boys & Girls Club
- The Front Porch Youth Resource Center
- Chatham Educational Transition Center
- Austin Thomas Transitional Home
- Urban Hope
- All of the Community Centers in the City of Savannah
- According to pre- and post-test survey data, youth increased their awareness of actual versus perceived norms regarding underage drinking.
- Data showed that 90% of youth participants did not engage in substance use.
- However, those who had engaged in use indicated they got it from their parent’s house, a family member, from the store without paying, gave someone else money to buy it for them, or started sneaking it while their parent was not around.
Positive Culture Framework
Current Message

- Feedback Survey: Please take a quick survey to let us know your opinion on the 92% campaign
- Youth Ambassador PCF Project – we are working with the Love Your People Student Ambassador group at the Stem Academy at Bartlett to create a positive social norms message created by and for the students!
Positive Social Norms Campaign
Positive Social Norms focuses on the fact that people’s behavior often is influenced by their perceptions of what is “normal” or “typical.” The problem is that we usually severely misperceive the typical behaviors or attitudes of our peers. For example, if people believe that the majority of their peers drink, then they are more likely to drink. Using social norms marketing to inform people that the majority of their peers do not smoke can potentially lead them to avoid drinking. Even better – informing people that the majority of their peers are acting in a positive or healthy way can create an environment in which everyone actively strives to emulate the positive behavior and attitudes they believe is typical of their peers
In 2019:
- Our commercial aired 39 times a month on WTOC,
- Reached 89,200 viewers, and
- 15% of surveyed participants had seen the commercial.

- Our digital ad was served 616,088 times over a 6-month timespan,
- 1,052 people clicked on the ad, and
- Feedback surveys indicated an increase in awareness of the dangers and risks of underage drinking.
Consider the Risk

Displayed at 51 locations

*if your business would like to display our messages, please contact us at 912-335-8332.
Community Events

We participate in community fairs and events with our partners and friends to promote our message and give out materials.
Community Trials
Community Trials is a multicomponent, community-based program developed to alter alcohol use patterns of people of all ages and related problems.
Compliance Checks
In 2019
- ABC Unit checked 208 businesses that sell alcohol (both on- and off-premise)
- 95 of those locations failed and sold to minors
We ID Stickers

- 20 stores displayed sticker
UPCOMING: FREE Alcohol Awareness Training
- This course criterion satisfies the state and local guidelines necessary to train personnel in alcohol awareness.
Ask, Advise, Refer
Ask about tobacco use, Advise the patient to quit and Refer the patient to resources.
- Referred 73 individuals to a Tobacco Quitline
- 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669)
- Text QUIT to 47848
- gov/quitwithus
- We also address vaping and e-cigarettes
Youth Leadership Cabinet
“Nothing About Us Without Us”

- Recruited 25 of 9-14-year-olds at Urban Hope
- Training our youth to be thoughtful leaders
- Co-investigators in assessing our community and coming up with solutions
- Leaders participate in service community projects
Savannah Prevention Coalition
Beyond The Bell hosts monthly coalition meeting with community members, partners, friends and key stakeholders to address related issues in our community. We aim to reduce risk factors and promote protective factors in the City of Savannah.
We meet on the Third Wednesday of every month. If you are interested in joining our efforts, please let us know.

Lindsey Grovenstein
Region 5 Project Coordinator

Beyond the Bell effectively provides prevention programs, interventions and/or resources when appropriate to reduce substance use in youth.
Macon/Bibb County, Upson County, & Statewide
opens in a new window3220 Riverside Drive Suite B310
opens in a new windowMacon, Georgia 31210
(478) 259-7566opens phone dialer