Strategies & Prevention

An Introduction To Prevention:

Why prevention?

Prevention is achieved through the application of multiple strategies; it is an ongoing process that must relate to each emerging generation.

Why should YOU be concerned?

The youth are our future! We have to show that we care about them and the choices they make. Have a Question?

Under the Partners in Prevention Project (PIPP), which is funded by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD), we use the Strategic Prevention Framework process and evidence based prevention strategies to successfully decrease alcohol misuse and abuse in Georgia. We also expand our efforts beyond alcohol prevention to address marijuana use through local assessment data.


  1. Reduce the early onset of alcohol use among 9 to 20 year old.
  2. Reduce the early onset of marijuana use among 9 to 20 year old.
A flower-shaped chart with five petals. A white circle in the center says "Sustainability and Cultural Competence." Starting at the top and moving clockwise, there is a red petal that says "Assessment," a green petal that says "Capacity," a purple petal that says "Planning," a blue petal that says "Implementation," and an orange petal that says "Evaluation."

In order to address the early onset of alcohol and marijuana use, Beyond The Bell uses the Strategies and Prevention Framework to:

  1. Assess Needs
  2. Build Capacity
  3. Plan
  4. Implement
  5. Evaluate

In addition to following these steps, we have two guiding principles:

  • Cultural Competence: The ability to effectively interact with members of diverse population.
  • Sustainability: The process of achieving and maintaining long-term results.

We use the SPF process because it is data driven, focuses on population level change, an on-going process where the starting point can be anywhere, intended to guide prevention efforts for people of all ages, and it is reliant on a team approach.

Life Skills Training:

Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST) is a research-validated substance abuse prevention program proven to reduce the risks of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors. This comprehensive and exciting program provides adolescents and young teens with the confidence and skills necessary to successfully handle challenging situations.

To sign-up for Botvin LifeSkills Training classes, please fill-in your contact information:

5 + 13 =

Positive Social Norms:

Positive Community Norms focuses on developing media campaigns to address normative misconceptions across layers of a community. While traditional social norms efforts focused on a single group or audience, Positive Community Norms focused on several audiences surrounding a specific issue. For example, in addressing underage drinking, campaigns might focus on youth, their parents, schools, and the general community.

Ask, Advise, Refer:

Ask, Advise, Refer is our tobacco intervention program. At every opportunity, we ask an individual if they are a tobacco user. Tobacco can be used in multiple ways, either by smoking, snuffing, dipping, or vaping. If identified, we advise every user to quit. We then refer the user to our cessation cards that have quit line resources.

Other Interventions

Red Ribbon Week (October):

To raise awareness of the killing and destruction cause by drugs in America

National Drug& Alcohol Facts Week (November):

Connects youth with scientists and other experts to counteract the myths about drugs and alcohol that teens get from the internet, social media, TV, movies, music, or from friends.

Alcohol Awareness Month (April):

Provides a focused opportunity across America to increase awareness and understanding of alcohol addiction, its causes, effective treatment, and recovery.

Prevention Week (May):

An annual health observance dedicated to increasing public awareness of, and action around, mental and/or substance use disorders.

beyond the bell logo

Beyond the Bell effectively provides prevention programs, interventions and/or resources when appropriate to reduce substance use in youth.

Macon/Bibb County

Upson County

Beyond The Bell Elevator Speech


Beyond The Bell’s focus is on the health and safety of young people ages 9-20 and their parents.  Beyond The Bell provides LifeSkills training and other programs to ensure youth live happy and safe lives and use the tools we provide to enjoy activities that exclude alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and other drugs.   

We use evidence-based strategies to build skills and support the needs of young people and thus reduce barriers to their success.

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