Dekalb Community Promise
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DeKalb Community Promise is made up of a group of representatives from organizations, faith-based communities, non-profits, businesses, and even members from our community who have united to create change within DeKalb County in regards to the prevention of substance abuse among youth.
After some research, these representatives found that the DeKalb County had nearly 1,180 alcohol licensed establishments. 32% of those establishments received citations for the unlawful sales of alcohol to underage youth in 2001.
Concerned with the number of youths using alcohol and the reality of how available it is to them, DeKalb community leaders formed Beyond The Bell and the Coalition to Prevent Underage Drinking in 2004.
With further research, the coalition found other alarming trends, including the use of marijuana & tobacco among DeKalb County youth. After discovering these statistics, the coalition voted unanimously to increase its focus to include the substance abuse of alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco among youth. The name was changed to DeKalb Community Promise (Peers Reaching Out & Modeling Intervention Strategies). Contact us today to learn more.
DeKalb Community Promise envisions a community where youth and families can live in a healthy, safe, and substance-free environment.

Civic Organizations
Other Substance Abuse Organizations
Youth Serving Organizations
Civic Organizations
Other Substance Abuse Organizations
Youth Serving Organizations

Beyond The Bell was recently awarded additional federal funding under the Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act (STOP ACT). STOP ACT is funded for four years through SAMHSA, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
The purpose of the STOP Act grant program is to prevent and reduce alcohol use among youth ages 12-20 in communities throughout the United States. STOP Act grant funds must focus primarily on strengthening collaboration among community entities to reduce alcohol use among youth in current and former DFC grantee communities. Beyond The Bell is currently a DFC (Drug Free Communities grantee).
Beyond The Bell will focus this project specifically in the DeKalb County communities of the city of Lithonia, city of Stonecrest and some portions of unincorporated Decatur.
BY-LAWS of DeKalb Community Promise
(Peers Reaching Out and Modeling Interventions Strategies)

Article I:
DeKalb Community Promise Coalition
Article 4
The purpose of DeKalb Community Promise is to provide guidance over the life of its mission and vision and to bring about positive healthy change for the community by working in partnership with other community stakeholders to execute strategies that will achieve successful results.
Article 7:
The Coalition shall be governed by a lateral organization structure underlined by sub-committees. These committees are Speakers/Writers, Social Media, Capacity Building and Data Collection. Other committees as needed may be recommended by the Director or Coordinator to further the purposes of the Coalition. Each committee shall report at each monthly meeting any committee activities and actions taken during committee meetings and provide to the administrative support staff, the director/coordinator and the program evaluator such copy for publication and action if applicable or as necessary.
Article 10:
The Coalition shall be governed by a lateral organization structure underlined by sub-committees. These committees are Speakers/Writers, Social Media, Capacity Building and Data Collection. Other committees as needed may be recommended by the Director or Coordinator to further the purposes of the Coalition. Each committee shall report at each monthly meeting any committee activities and actions taken during committee meetings and provide to the administrative support staff, the director/coordinator and the program evaluator such copy for publication and action if applicable or as necessary.
Article 13:
Time Line
Each committee shall provide information and work with the administrative staff to create a time line chart representative of events, programs, dates, locations, strategies, activities, and goals in order to achieve community results based on coalition goals, objectives, and strategies.
Article 16:
Effective Date:
These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon adoption by a majority vote at the Coalition next regularly scheduled meeting November 12, 2016.
Article 2:
An alliance of individuals and organizations that advocate for community change on youth alcohol and other community issues by bringing awareness of these issues through education, prevention programs to ensure a safe and healthy community.
Article 5:
Membership shall at all times consist of at least representatives from the 12 sector alignment grid who represent parents, youth, government, civic, youth serving organizations, faith-based, health, law-enforcement, business, media, schools and other substance abuse organizations.
Article 8:
Invited Consultants:
Individuals and/or representatives of affiliates organizations, agencies, and associations or any members of the 12 sectors may serve as consultants to the coalition and will act as resources to the Coalition without voting privileges except those who represent the 12 sectors.
Article 11:
Financial Operations:
The Coalition may accept financial support in the form of gifts, grants, donations, contracts and in-kind contributions under the fiscal operations of Beyond The Bell who is a Georgia non-profit organization with 501© (3) status. All receipts of expenses shall be reported to the director and yearly audits shall be performed under the direction of the outside CPA as well as monthly financial reports compiled by members of the administrative staff for Coalition distribution.
Article 14:
Fiscal Year
The fiscal year if the Coalition is defined as January 1 to December 31.
Article 17:
These bylaws may be amended by a majority of vote by the Coalition at any regularly scheduled meeting providing a copy of the proposed amendment has been provided to each member allowing ample time for review by each member prior to said meeting.
Article 3:
To reduce the incidence of arrest and fatalities among youth due to the possession of alcohol products and other community issues by building prevention capacity and providing effective, prevention, intervention and advocacy.
Article 6:
Location of Office
The principle office of the coalition where records are kept and the general mailing address of the coalition is Beyond The Bell 990 Iris Drive SW Conyers, Ga 30094.
Article 9:
Regular meetings shall be monthly alternating between face-to-face meetings and teleconference meetings. This alternative shall from time to time be changed based on the needs of the Coalition and/or at the discretion of the director/coordinator. Meeting locations may be fixed from time to time and locations shall be representative of all communities involved in the Coalition. All meetings shall be conducted accordance with Roberts Rule of Order.
Article 12:
Data Collection:
The Coalition shall maintain a community level epidemiological workgroup representative in order to collect and analyze data specific to the targeted community and provide ongoing evaluation of the impact of the implemented policies, practices, strategies, and programs on reducing related problems in the community.
Article 15:
Ratification and Amendment:
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of a quorum present at a regularly scheduled meeting of the coalition, provided the proposed amendments have been distributed to the full Coalition membership prior to that meeting with ample time being allowed for each member to review.
Article 18:
These bylaws were adopted and approved at a regularly scheduled Coalition meeting by a majority vote on the 12th day of November 2016.
Article I:
DeKalb Community Promise Coalition
Article 2:
An alliance of individuals and organizations that advocate for community change on youth alcohol and other community issues by bringing awareness of these issues through education, prevention programs to ensure a safe and healthy community.
Article 3:
To reduce the incidence of arrest and fatalities among youth due to the possession of alcohol products and other community issues by building prevention capacity and providing effective, prevention, intervention and advocacy.
Article 4
The purpose of DeKalb Community Promise is to provide guidance over the life of its mission and vision and to bring about positive healthy change for the community by working in partnership with other community stakeholders to execute strategies that will achieve successful results.
Article 5:
Membership shall at all times consist of at least representatives from the 12 sector alignment grid who represent parents, youth, government, civic, youth serving organizations, faith-based, health, law-enforcement, business, media, schools and other substance abuse organizations.
Article 6:
Location of Office
The principle office of the coalition where records are kept and the general mailing address of the coalition is Beyond The Bell 990 Iris Drive SW Conyers, Ga 30094.
Article 7:
The Coalition shall be governed by a lateral organization structure underlined by sub-committees. These committees are Speakers/Writers, Social Media, Capacity Building and Data Collection. Other committees as needed may be recommended by the Director or Coordinator to further the purposes of the Coalition. Each committee shall report at each monthly meeting any committee activities and actions taken during committee meetings and provide to the administrative support staff, the director/coordinator and the program evaluator such copy for publication and action if applicable or as necessary.
Article 8:
Invited Consultants:
Individuals and/or representatives of affiliates organizations, agencies, and associations or any members of the 12 sectors may serve as consultants to the coalition and will act as resources to the Coalition without voting privileges except those who represent the 12 sectors.
Article 9:
Regular meetings shall be monthly alternating between face-to-face meetings and teleconference meetings. This alternative shall from time to time be changed based on the needs of the Coalition and/or at the discretion of the director/coordinator. Meeting locations may be fixed from time to time and locations shall be representative of all communities involved in the Coalition. All meetings shall be conducted accordance with Roberts Rule of Order.
Article 10:
The Coalition shall be governed by a lateral organization structure underlined by sub-committees. These committees are Speakers/Writers, Social Media, Capacity Building and Data Collection. Other committees as needed may be recommended by the Director or Coordinator to further the purposes of the Coalition. Each committee shall report at each monthly meeting any committee activities and actions taken during committee meetings and provide to the administrative support staff, the director/coordinator and the program evaluator such copy for publication and action if applicable or as necessary.
Article 11:
Financial Operations:
The Coalition may accept financial support in the form of gifts, grants, donations, contracts and in-kind contributions under the fiscal operations of Beyond The Bell who is a Georgia non-profit organization with 501© (3) status. All receipts of expenses shall be reported to the director and yearly audits shall be performed under the direction of the outside CPA as well as monthly financial reports compiled by members of the administrative staff for Coalition distribution.
Article 12:
Data Collection:
The Coalition shall maintain a community level epidemiological workgroup representative in order to collect and analyze data specific to the targeted community and provide ongoing evaluation of the impact of the implemented policies, practices, strategies, and programs on reducing related problems in the community.
Article 13:
Time Line
Each committee shall provide information and work with the administrative staff to create a time line chart representative of events, programs, dates, locations, strategies, activities, and goals in order to achieve community results based on coalition goals, objectives, and strategies.
Article 14:
Fiscal Year
The fiscal year if the Coalition is defined as January 1 to December 31.
Article 15:
Ratification and Amendment:
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of a quorum present at a regularly scheduled meeting of the coalition, provided the proposed amendments have been distributed to the full Coalition membership prior to that meeting with ample time being allowed for each member to review.
Article 16:
Effective Date:
These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon adoption by a majority vote at the Coalition next regularly scheduled meeting November 12, 2016.
Article 17:
These bylaws may be amended by a majority of vote by the Coalition at any regularly scheduled meeting providing a copy of the proposed amendment has been provided to each member allowing ample time for review by each member prior to said meeting.
Article 18:
These bylaws were adopted and approved at a regularly scheduled Coalition meeting by a majority vote on the 12th day of November 2016.

The mission of CAUSE is to form an alliance of individuals and organizations seriously committed to the healthy growth of our communities. By being actively involved, we seek to identify and/or provide necessary resources and programs aimed at the advancement of families and the enrichment of communities.

DeKalb Juvenile Courts works closely with DeKalb Community Promise and its partners to provide early intervention and prevention programming to youth and families. Under the DFC grant efforts, DeKalb Community Promise is providing marijuana specific training to parents of both court-mandated youth and the general public.

Not My Kid is a new partner to DCP. Their Mission: Not My Kid seeks to empower and educate youth, families, and communities with the knowledge and courage to identify and prevent negative youth behavior.

The Champion Newspaper is the Legal Organ of DeKalb County. Reaching 20,000 readers a week in DeKalb County, Beyond The Bell and The Champion partner to reach the local county to inform residents of regular happenings and to deliver the most up to date information about what is happening in regards to underage drinking in the community.

Rockdale County Drug-Free Community Coalition
Rockdale’s mission is to reduce and prevent youth substance use/abuse by increasing community collaboration, engage youth in pro-social activities, provide education, training and leadership support to parents, youth businesses and individuals in the Rockdale community.

Beyond the Bell effectively provides prevention programs, interventions and/or resources when appropriate to reduce substance use in youth.
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