Events & More
Take a look at all the latest events our organization has held throughout the City of Savannah, DeKalb, Rockdale, and Upson County!Botvin Lifeskills Training
Beyond The Bell is proud to offer our Botvin Lifeskills Training this summer at the Inspiring Engineers Summer camp! There will be many fun and engaging activities for attendees – Sign your child up to attend!

Safe Bar & Alcohol Service Campaign
We are pleased to introduce the Safe Bar & Alcohol Service (SBAS) campaign. The City of Savannah has partnered with Beyond the Bell and the Savannah Prevention Coalition to help educate people on the impact and effects of alcohol consumption in Savannah. SBAS is an awareness and prevention campaign that takes a proactive approach to promote responsible consumption among patrons, owners, managers, and service staff. Please contact us to get involved!
Black History Month
To commemorate Black History Month, local young men from Rockdale County got together for an evening of Canvas and Conversations with Councilwoman Connie Alsobrook, Coach Sutton, and Beyond The Bell to discuss their favorite young African Americans who are making a difference in their lives and the lives of our communities. The conversations were fun and it was exciting to see our young men engage in conversations that touched on the needs in our communities, the importance of making good decisions, and the need to stay away from underage substance use.
Community Clean UPson
Beyond The Bell Youth Leadership Cabinet participated in the county-wide Community Clean Upson event in Thomaston, Ga. on Saturday, Feb. 6th, working hard to make our county more beautiful! Check out our photos
Dr. King recognized the power of service. He famously said, “Everyone can be great because everybody can serve.” Observing the Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday through service is a way to begin each year with a commitment to making your community a better place ( opens in a new
While Thomaston has seen a spike in Covid-19 cases, this didn’t stop Beyond The Bell Youth Leadership Cabinet from stepping up to the plate in an act of service and kindness to celebrate Martin Luther King Day 2021. After gathering donations of nonperishable food, paper goods, frozen bags of chicken, cases of waters and sanitizing products, the group packed more than a dozen environmentally safe reusable gift bags and boarded the Beyond The Bell bus, delivering 6 bags to a single father (who is quarantining but peered out the window and waved). A second family consisted of a young woman who has four children and one on the way; before the group could deliver, Beyond The Bell learned that the mom had gone to the hospital to have her fifth child and would not be home. The young lady’s father came by the office and picked up her bags so that when she comes home, she needn’t leave the house for necessities.
On Monday January 18, 2021, the official Martin Luther King, Jr holiday saw Beyond The Bell participate in a call to service. The event was co-sponsored by Conyers City Councilmember Connie Alsobrook. As the agency does on each MLK holiday, a community service event was planned and executed. This year, youth participated in a “Race for Peace” event. The event took place at Spivey Park in Conyers, GA. Youth who participated lived in our region 3 catchment of Rockdale and DeKalb counties. The participants ran a relay race and stopped at a designated area and selected questions about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The questions were selected not only as a prize-winning element but also to teach and test the knowledge of our youth about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the sacrifices he made for a better America.
Several parents and community members volunteered as chaperones and served as organizers of the event such as timekeepers, asked the questions and helped serve the youth lunch.
After the race and questions and answers, youth gathered in the pavilion to further discuss the life and assassination of Dr. King while enjoying lunch and rest time. The 2021 King holiday was a success as the day was recognized as a day of service by Beyond The Bell.
Beyond The Bell, in collaboration with Conyers City Councilwoman Connie Alsobrook, sponsored a Festival of Trees and Evening of Christmas Caroling at the Augustus Lett Community Senior Center in Conyers, GA on December 12, 2020. The festivities included Christmas trees decorated by the A.R. “Gus” Barksdale Boys and Girls Club, Phoenix Pass, The Conyers Police Department, Councilwoman Connie Alsobrook and Beyond The Bell. There was also a food and coat giveaway for the community. Olive Garden donated hot bowls of its delicious soup and famous breadsticks. The community was also able to enjoy the melodic voices of Christmas carolers and treats such as hot chocolate, apple cider, popcorn, and candy canes. Councilwoman Alsobrook and Executive Director Sandra Dean provided door prizes such as restaurant gift cards, gorgeously hand-crafted Christmas candied apples, and t- shirts.
Redeem Fellowship Christian International
Beyond The Bell is partnered with Redeem Fellowship Christian International in Savannah, GA.

STOP Spring Event

Holiday Celebration
On Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 4 PM, come join Beyond The Bell and City Councilwoman Connie Alsobrook in some holiday fun at the Augustus Lett Community Center. Bring your children and your holiday spirit for some Christmas caroling, tree lighting, holiday refreshments and other fun activities!
Please see the attached flyer and SHARE SHARE SHARE with your family and friends. Hope to see you all there!
Happy Holidays!
The Great American Smokeout
Quitting smoking isn’t easy. It takes time. And a plan. You don’t have to stop smoking in one day. Start with day one. For more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November. The Great American Smokeout is an opportunity for people who smoke to commit to healthy, smoke -free lives – not just for a day, but year round. The Great American Smokeout event challenges people to stop smoking and helps people learn about the many tools they can use to help them quit and stay quit (American Cancer Society).
City of Savannah Red Ribbon Week
Beyond The Bell in the City of Savannah celebrated an awesome Red Ribbon Week with Savannah-Chatham County Public School System. On 10/23 we hosted a “curbside” celebration at the Early Learning Center at Henderson E. Formey where parents and staff signed pledges to support drug-free youth. We even had the Mayor join us to give out goodie bags. We closed out the celebration the following Friday at Godly Station and were able to hang out with in-person students. This collaboration also gave us an opportunity to send daily e-mail blasts to every parent within the school district, over 40,000 were sent!
The City of Savannah’s New Billboards
The City of Savannah has new billboards up with positive messages for our youth. The billboard is located on the corner of Abercorn and Eisenhower (31405) AND we have digital ones throughout the City of Savannah. Check them out and let us know if you saw our billboard. Also, take our intercept survey and let us know your thoughts!
Upson County’s New Billboards
Upson County has two new billboards. Check them out on Hwy 36 and Mill Ave Thomaston AND US 19 North at Jeff Davis Road Thomaston, GA. Take our intercept survey and let us know your thoughts!
Selma, Alabama
The amazing Youth of Beyond The Bell Upson County explored Selma, Alabama on October 17th through October 19th. They had the opportunity to learn about a monumental period in history when they walked the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
A Brief History
The Edmund Pettus Bridge, now a National Historic Landmark, was the site of the brutal Bloody Sunday beatings of civil rights marchers during the first march for voting rights. The televised attacks were seen all over the nation, prompting public support for the civil rights activists in Selma and for the voting rights campaign. After Bloody Sunday, protestors were granted the right to continue marching, and two more marches for voting rights followed.
To learn more, please visit or
Beyond The Bell’s Annual Coalition Retreat
Beyond The Bell coalition groups in all three communities have joined together to discuss Law Enforcement TODAY, Community Prevention Alliance Workgroups, the Importance of Data and Evaluation, Cultural Competency and Sustainability. We also conducted an agency wide SWOT analysis, which went very well and gave us a great amount of insight on our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as an organization. Amazing retreat with valuable information and fellowship!
Last Days of Summer Community Event
Beyond The Bell celebrated the Last Days of Summer at the Augustus Lett Community Center on Saturday, September 12, 2020. Thank you to everyone that came out to enjoy some fun in the sun. Congratulations to our chili cook off winners!
Alcohol and Drugs Show No Love
Beyond The Bell partnered with Team 3 for a Juneteenth community event in Rockdale County. The event was amazing and the youth were able to broadcast their creativeness.

Representative Buddy Carter
Beyond The Bell was invited to meet Representative Buddy Carter in the City of Savannah. We train and encourage our youth to use their voices to express their concerns and solutions in the community. This was a wonderful opportunity to put that training into practice.
Have You Seen This Ad?
If you live in the City of Savannah and have seen this ad please take a moment to fill out a survey and let us know your thoughts.
Leadership Cabinet Food Drive – Upson County
Beyond The Bell’s Upson County Youth Leadership Cabinet kicked off the holiday season by holding a non-perishable food drive. Youth collected food items and provided boxes of food to five families in need. We are proud of our youth for their kindness and willingness to help others!
Police Department – DeKalb/Rockdale County
Beyond The Bell in conjunction with the City of Conyers and the Conyers Police Department distribute substance abuse prevention information and have fun with the Huntington Creek Community.
Town Hall – City of Savannah
Beyond The Bell in Savannah collaborated with our coalition and community partners to present “Ballers Don’t Take Shots They Make Goals,” a town hall to educate youth on the risks associated with underage alcohol and marijuana use and to empower youth with positive coping skills to resist! We had community key note speakers as well as special appearance from Larry “Gator” Rivers, former Harlem Globe Trotter Legend!
Communities Talk Festival – Upson County
Beyond The Bell hosted a Communities Talk Fall Festival at Saint Mary AME Church in Thomaston. At this event, youth participated in fun fall activities, games, and Red Ribbon Week Pledges. Then, youth, parents, and other community members came together for a panel discussion about youth alcohol and substance use. Panelist speakers included, Upson County Health Department, Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children Services, Division of Child Support Services, and Pastors from our faith-based community.

Beyond the Bell effectively provides prevention programs, interventions and/or resources when appropriate to reduce substance use in youth.
Macon/Bibb County, Upson County, & Statewide
opens in a new window3220 Riverside Drive Suite B310
opens in a new windowMacon, Georgia 31210
(478) 259-7566opens phone dialer