Beyond The Bell Is Helping Spread The Message of
Substance Misuse Prevention!

Our Mission

The mission of Beyond The Bell is to provide resources in the focus communities, to effectively provide prevention programs, effective interventions and/or resources when appropriate and to reduce substance use in youth.

Beyond The Bell Alumni Visit with Youth!  Check out the Video!

Coming Soon:

Opioid Awareness Program Eatonton, GA (Putnam County).
Opioids are currently the main driver of drug overdose deaths.

Please take our Community Needs Assessment Survey!

Get Involved

If you are between the ages of 9-20, have a child between these ages, or would like to help get involved in Beyond The Bell, please message one of our local communities on our contact us page or by calling them directly.

Our Communities

We implement our evidence-based strategies in these three focus communities

Our Strategies

To better understand how alcohol and marijuana impacts our communities we conducted community needs and readiness assessments. Based on collected data we chose these evidence-based strategies to effectively address the need.

beyond the bell logo

Beyond the Bell effectively provides prevention programs, interventions and/or resources when appropriate to reduce substance use in youth.

Macon/Bibb County

Upson County

Beyond The Bell Elevator Speech


Beyond The Bell’s focus is on the health and safety of young people ages 9-20 and their parents.  Beyond The Bell provides LifeSkills training and other programs to ensure youth live happy and safe lives and use the tools we provide to enjoy activities that exclude alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and other drugs.   

We use evidence-based strategies to build skills and support the needs of young people and thus reduce barriers to their success.

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